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Pondfolk will be open from the 31st March 2024. The nursery only sells a small range of plants online however more varieties are always available if you visit.
Free UK delivery on all orders over £75.00.

July Interest

Water Iris flowers are in full colour this month. Displays of sunshine yellow from Iris pseudacorus, cherry red from Anne Chowning, and striking almost black from Black Knight.

Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'

Slender Sweet Flag 'Ogon'
Stock 6 in stock
Description Semi-evergreen, growing in wide fans, this plant forms into large low growing clumps. It has striking, narrow, bright yellow leaves, striped with yellow-ish green.

Acorus gramineus variegatus

Variegated Slender Sweet Flag
Stock 4 in stock
Description Semi-evergreen, growing in short wide clumps. It has narrow, green leaves, striped with creamy-yellow.

Anemopsis californica

Apache beads
Stock 20 in stock
Description An attractive scented plant ideal for shallow water. Their green leaves turn red in autumn and once dried can be used for potpourri. Their seeds are often used as beads for necklaces hence it’s common name.

Houttuynia cordata 'Boo Boo'

'Boo Boo'
Stock 15 in stock
Description A lovely pond plant with a long flowering period, from May to September. Its crinkle effect, scented leaves turn bright red in autumn.

Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon'

Harlequin Plant
Stock 15 in stock
Description An attractive plant with variegated red, cream and green leaves from late spring through to early autumn, producing brightest colours when positioned in full sun. Its summer flowers have yellow flower spikes, with four white petals at the base.

Houttuynia cordata 'Plena'

Orange Peel Plant
Stock 15 in stock
Description A lovely pond plant with a long flowering period, from May to September. Its leaves smell of orange peel.

Iris louisiana 'Ann Chowning'

Iris 'Ann Chowning'
Stock 4 in stock
Description A stunning iris with cherry red falls and a bright yellow signal, set off beautifully against its light green strap like leaves.

Typha minima

Miniature Bulrush
Stock 50 in stock
Description Also known as Miniature Reedmace, this Typha has perfect miniature form, producing round, brown coloured seed heads, ideal for adding interest to a pond margins. This is the only typha suitable for small to medium garden ponds. It will spread steadily, but is still best contained to a basket.

Zephyranthes candida

White Rain Lily
Stock 4 in stock
Description A deciduous or evergreen perennial with a stunning white crocus like flower in late summer.

Acorus calamus

Sweet Flag
Stock Sold out
Description A non-invasive clump-forming green rush with sweetly scented leaves and horn shaped blooms. Will steadily spread in shallow water or wet ground.

Anagallis tenella

Bog Pimpernel
Stock In stock, collection only
Description A fantastic marginal to help hide pond liners and creep amongst rocks and pebbles. The rose pink flowers smell of honey.

Aponogeton distachyos

Water Hawthorn
Stock In stock, collection only
Description Providing interest in your pond for many months, water hawthorn has white, scented flowers which appear in spring, and often again in autumn. Its elongated, spear shaped leaves develop from a submerged tuber and lie on the waters surface with its white flowers standing a few inches tall.

Astrantia major subsp. involucrata ‘Gill Richardson’

Astrantia ‘Gill Richardson’
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Description A lovely, upright, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial which prefers moist soil. From bright green foliage emerge its erect stems producing umbels of cherry red or crimson flowers surrounded by red bracts. Will repeat flower readily if dead headed.

Butomus umbellatus

Flowering Rush
Stock In stock, collection only
Description A tall British native rush that has long, narrow, dark green leaves and produces pretty umbrella headed pink flowers. This plant is perfect for providing egg laying sites for adult dragonfly as well as perching and roosting sites.

Carex Muskingumensis

Musk Sedge
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Description A great architectural plant, adding height and depth to your marginal border. Musk sedge is semi-evergreen, producing feathered, finely tapering, light green foliage.

Carex pseudocyperus

Cyperus Sedge
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Description A tuft forming perennial with bright yellow-green foliage and abundant bristly green or brown flower heads.

Ceratophyllum demersum

Stock In stock, collection only
Description Considered to be the best native oxygenator, hornwort is relatively slow growing compared to other oxygenators and doesn’t produce roots, making it low maintenance and easy to manage.

Dichromena colorata

Star Grass
Stock In stock, collection only
Description An unusual marginal producing star shaped flowers.

Equisetum hyemale

Dutch Rush
Stock Sold out
Description A robust evergreen perennial grown for it’s architectural and winter interest. Equisetum are also known as horsetails so must be grown in containers to restrict their rhizomes.

Hottonia palustris

Water Violet
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Description A great native oxygenator with feathery leaves and lilac flowers that are held above the water from June to August.

Iris chrysographes 'Black Knight'

Iris 'Black Knight'
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Description Standing proud on tall stems amongst grey-green strap like leaves, one of the darkest iris flowers you will find, with deep violet (almost black) falls and golden veins.

Iris lactea

Iris lactea
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Description This elegant iris has milky-white through to pale purple falls which are veined with blue, red-purple or violet.

Iris laevigata 'Weymouth Blue'

Iris 'Weymouth Blue'
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Description This vibrant iris has light green, arching, sword-like leaves, and flowers with purple-blue falls marked with a white signal.

Iris louisiana 'Her Highness'

Iris 'Her Highness'
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Description An elegant iris with strap-like, mid to bright green leaves, and flowers with creamy-white falls marked with a yellow signal.

Iris pseudacorus 'Alba'

Iris 'Alba'
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Description A native aquatic iris, its flowers have creamy white-pale yellow falls marked with a yellow signal delicately outlined with charcoal grey.

Iris pseudacorus 'Bastardii'

Iris 'Bastardii'
Stock Sold out
Description A great performer, with greyish green strap-like foliage producing flowers marked with cream-pale yellow falls.

Iris pseudacorus

Yellow Flag
Stock Sold out
Description A native aquatic iris, it has bright yellow falls marked with a yellow signal.

Iris robusta 'Gerald Derby'

Iris 'Gerald Derby'
Stock Sold out
Description This iris has attractive arching deep purple-black stems coming from long green leaves with purple staining at the base. Each stem produces 4 or 5 flowers with purple-blue falls, marked with a yellow and white signal and dark purple-blue veins.

Iris sibirica 'Siberian Flag'

Iris 'Siberian Flag'
Stock Sold out
Description This pretty iris puts on a great display, with narrow strappy foliage and branched stems bearing up to 5 flowers with violet-blue falls, marked with yellow and white signals and violet-blue veins.

Iris versicolor 'Kermesina'

Iris 'Kermesina'
Stock In stock, collection only
Description A beautiful iris with strappy green leaves, branched stems bearing up to 5 flowers with plummy reddish purple falls, marked with a yellow and white signal and purple veins.

Juncus ensifolius

Flying Hedgehogs
Stock In stock, collection only
Description Bright and upright marginal with spiky hedgehog like seed heads.

Juncus maritimus

Sea Rush
Stock In stock, collection only
Description A feathery native rush.

Lobelia fulgens 'Queen Victoria'

Cardinal Flower
Stock Sold out
Description This short lived herbaceous perennial will bring a late splash of summer colour, with deep purple leafed stems and bright scarlet flowers.

Luronium natans

Floating Water Plantain
Stock In stock, collection only
Description Floating Water Plantain

Lythrum salicaria 'Feuerkerze'

Purple Loosestrife 'Feuerkerze'
Stock Sold out
Description A tall growing native perennial with strong, upright stems, topped in summer months with long, poker-like heads of deep pink flowers. A double-flowered cultivar that produces considerably less seed, minimising unwanted seedlings.

Mazus reptans 'Albus'

White Chinese Marshflower
Stock Sold out
Description A white version of the Chinese Marshflower; this low growing, creeping perennial is an excellent plant for very shallow margins and beach areas (not submerged). It will form dense mats of green foliage, and produce masses of blue-lilac flowers with gold spotted white centres.

Mazus reptans

Chinese Marshflower
Stock Sold out
Description This low growing, creeping perennial is an excellent plant for very shallow margins and beach areas (not submerged). It will form dense mats of green foliage, and produce masses of blue-lilac flowers with gold spotted white centres.

Mentha aquatica

Water Mint
Stock Sold out
Description A true native plant with strong scented pink-lilac flowers. Great for attracting bees and other pollinating insects.

Mimulus cardinalis

Scarlet Monkey Flower
Stock Sold out
Description A clump forming perennial, bearing 2-lipped red flowers throughout the summer months.

Mimulus ringens

Lavender Musk
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Description Also known as Monkey Flower, this perennial has tall, delicate stems with long narrow leaves and produces tubular lilac flowers in late summer.

Myosotis scorpioides 'Snowflake'

White Water Forget Me Not
Stock Sold out
Description White flowers.

Nuphar lutea

Brandy Bottle
Stock Sold out
Description Also called Yellow Water Lily. This native perennial has bright yellow, buttercup like flowers on stiff stems standing proud above deep green floating or submerged leaves, similar to those of a water lily. Its flowers smell strongly of alcohol, hence its name, Brandy bottle. It likes room to spread out, making it ideal for larger ponds.

Nymphaea 'Alba'

Waterlily 'Alba'
Stock Sold out
Description Britain's only native water lily, Alba has bright white, fragrant semi-double flowers, with yellow stamens, scattered amongst dark green rounded pads. This lily has a large spread so is best suited to larger ponds and lakes.

Nymphaea 'Attraction'

Waterlily 'Attraction'
Stock Sold out
Description A popular waterlily, with broad pads tinged with bronze, brilliant pink-red flowers flecked with white, and deep yellow stamens.

Nymphaea 'Black Princess'

Waterlily 'Black Princess'
Stock Sold out
Description A striking, sought after waterlily, with deep red almost black flowers. New pads are a deep purple, turning green with a faint purple edge after a few weeks.

Nymphaea 'Darwin'

Waterlily 'Darwin'
Stock Sold out
Description Large pale pink blooms with a double petal. Ideal for medium to large ponds.

Nymphaea 'Madame Wilfron Gonnere'

Waterlily 'Madame Wilfron Gonnere'
Stock Sold out
Description Double petals of rich pink fading to lighter pink towards the outer petals.

Nymphaea 'Mayla'

Waterlily 'Mayla'
Stock Sold out
Description Bright Fuchsia pink double flowers with a lovely fragrance.

Nymphaea 'Paul Hariot'

Waterlily 'Paul Hariot'
Stock Sold out
Description The perfect waterlily for smaller ponds. Starting as a pale yellow flower and maturing to pinkish red.

Nymphaea 'Wanvisa'

Waterlily 'Wanvisa'
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Description A premium waterlily, with dark broad pads, it's a colour changer so you never quite know what you are going to get.

Pontederia cordata lanceolata

Giant Pickerel Weed
Stock Sold out
Description A larger variety of the standard Pontederia cordata. This plant produces much taller blue-lilac flowers over 1 metre in height.

Pontederia cordata

Pickerel Weed
Stock Sold out
Description A favourite of ours, this marginal perennial is perfect for giving some late summer colour to the pond, producing tall erect heart shaped leaves with dense blue-lilac flower spikes.

Ranunculus Aquatilis

Water Crowfoot
Stock In stock, collection only
Description Ranunculus Aquatilis

Sagittaria sagittifolia

Stock Sold out
Description With distinct arrowhead shaped leaves, this perennial is another favourite. Both native and great for pollinators, this is an excellent plant choice. Tall stems produce large white flowers with dark purple centres.

Scirpus lacustris tab. Albescens

Striped Bulrush
Stock Sold out
Description Tall cylindrical hollow foliage with green and white vertical variegations.

Sparganium erectum

Branched Bur-Reed
Stock Sold out
Description Sparganium erectum are a vigorous growing British native marginal. They are referred to as the branched bur reed and produce scented white flowers turning to spiny looking fruit balls.

Typha angustifolia

Lesser Bulrush
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Description An invasive perennial with long linear leaves and cylindrical dark brown flower spikes. Note, this is only suitable for large ponds and lakes as it can be invasive and may puncture pond liners.

Typha gracilis

Medium Bulrush
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Description Also known as Medium Reedmace, this is a smaller Typha, with light brown flower spikes. Suited for medium to large ponds as it will spread vigorously if not carefully contained.

Typha latifolia variegata

Variegated Bulrush
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Description Also known as Variegated Reedmace, this large Typha has attractive long green and creamy-white variegated leaves and brown flower spikes. Though slightly slower growing that Typha, this is only suitable for large ponds and lakes as it can be invasive and may puncture pond liners.

Typha laxmannii

Graceful Cattail
Stock Sold out
Description A graceful slender typha for medium to large ponds. Typha laxmannii is less invasive than other typhas but should still be planted in containers.

Veronica beccabunga

Stock In stock, collection only
Description A common plant found in and around the pond. It often persists throughout winter and provides a great habitat for newts and tadpoles.